For the Foodies

My culinary history is a culinary catastrophe. Raised by a clinical dietitian and an enthusiastic experimenter, my food story starts in a loving home, where green chile is a staple, and make-do recipes are a family favorite. My brief excursion into hell adulthood left me with a variety of new abilities. Things I should have learned at home but didn’t, like steady knife-handling abilities, and how to bake a potato in the microwave. Odd hour phone calls were not occasional. Hey mom, how do I hard-boil eggs? Is it unhealthy to eat a whole package of bacon by myself? Or discovering that the secret ingredient to a good sandwich was toasting the bread first. The world was full of possibilities and still is! Food has brought my family together throughout the years, and has ushered me into a new one. Welcome to my blog and the endless possibilities that a plate can hold.

Image ft. Grandma & me circa nineteen-ninety-something.

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