Radio Silence: Terminated

Radio Silent for 6 months. I’m sorry.

This summer was for staying in, and going out – and leaving my laptop in my backpack. Rather than ferociously attacking an unrealistic diet and workout schedule to achieve a bikini bod that should have been a year in the making, I took the summer easy. I tried not to be too hard on myself if I didn’t run, or if I had dessert every night that week. It was relaxing and I didn’t step on the scale once.

In August, my boyfriend and I closed the summer with a trip to Cabo San Lucas and a beautiful backyard wedding. But, as they almost always are, wedding photos are unforgivable (not-so) fun house mirrors. Sure, reality is a bit distorted – I do not have bingo wings. I do not have bingo wings! But there is always a little truth, because it a reflection of yourself.

Fortunately, the best thing I wore that night was confidence – even if it was based in ignorance.

Fat Faced, But Smiling

Nevertheless the experience got me thinking, and as we drove home I developed a plan, a challenge if you will to achieve a goal I had been putting off since March. I certainly was happy, but was I healthy?

I decided that although I didn’t want a number to define my experience as a healthy individual, I couldn’t deny that a number was standing in the way. It was late August, and I wanted to lose weight by Christmas. (Christmas photos are the evil step-sister of wedding photos.) The true test would be captured as I stood in baggy Christmas sweaters amongst family in friends. Maybe then will my vanity be satisfied.

So on August 25th I held my initial Weigh-In.

Coming in, at 151.4 pounds, stumbling, out of Albuquerqueeee New Mexico!



When you get that first gust of motivation – you, or I, make ridiculous goals. Like say, lose 20 pounds during the Holiday season. WTF?!? I decided to break it down into 4 sections – or 5 pounds a month. When September 25th came and went – I made it! I met my goal and it felt really good, but as the end of October approaches, I definitely feel a second wind is in order.

On that cramped car-ride home on a warm August afternoon, I predicted my own behavior. So I decided that there must be consequences for not meeting my own goals. They are as follows: If I don’t meet my goal in…


September – I cut TV consumption in half for the next month!

October – Eliminate sweets for November!

November – No TV at all – which means no Christmas movies in December.


If you know me, these are dire consequences, particularly the last. So after a long and windy blog post – I come to this.

I’m back. I’m counting calories because that is what works for me. If I work out then great, if not, then it is no big deal. But I am starting to check things off on the list of things that stop me from living a happy and healthy life.

Maybe next I’ll tackle my addiction to Netflix (Maybe not, on second thought.) Or try and get my skin care in order (Eczema, Acne, and Stretch marks. Oh what fun.) But I am here – and there should be no excuses because now you know too.