Adventures Abroad & At Home: Part I

Holy Canole! Where does the time go? (Am I too young to be saying things like that?) The last 30 or so days have been jammed packed with good food, friends, and family. I am the sort of person who is a foe to change – a creature of habit if you will. I drive the same way to school every day. I eat the same things for breakfast, and always opt to eat fan faves for lunch and dinner.

The night before my departure to the Emerald Isle, the boyfriend and I made a quick trip for Chinese and to hang out one last time. True to practice, I ordered the same thing one last time, and only ate half the cookie like always. You know, if you eat the whole cookie your fortune won’t come true. Well ladies and gents, it looked like fate was on my side!


I was FORTUNE-ate enough to have the opportunity to visit my dear old friend, Nora in a far off place called Ireland! My first shot to try new things rolled down the skinny airplane walkway, and nestled itself on my fold down tray.


That’s no waffle folks! That was a cookie & it was delicious… (Please excuse my un-manicured thumb!)

The flight was a bit scary and the views were stunning…but I did made it over the pond.


Finally made it! Everybody say, “Hello Nora!”

In an effort to keep me up and stave off jet lag, she walked me all over Maynooth and I got to take some of these candid shots!

The countryside was fantastic – rolling green hills and great weather. The city was different, but equally beautiful in comparison! I know everyone says this when traveling, but I genuinely mean it. The people there we incredibly friendly! A couple of times the two of us laughed a little too hard and may or may not have missed our turn, but a kind passerby didn’t hesitate to give us a hand.

Anyways, that’s enough chatter. I present to you…. Dublin, Ireland!


Our First Day in Dublin!


The city was charming and we had a great time! The picture above was taken a block or two away from the Kilmainham Gaol. Not only was the guided tour affordable, but it was quite interesting! Although, I must admit that we saw more of the city from behind the glass windows of some of Dublin’s finest restaurant! But that’s another post…

See you at Part II!

3 thoughts on “Adventures Abroad & At Home: Part I

  1. Wow!! I really enjoy seeing Ireland through your eyes. What a wonderful adventure for you. I’ll be waiting anxiously for part 2! Thank you for sharing.

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