Chantilly Cake & Trying New Things

Attention in the Court! We have 3 orders of business today.

No. 1     Sorry for skipping a week! There’s really no excuse for not getting it done by Thursday, but I swear I have got a good one for not knocking it out over the weekend! On Sunday, I was basically incapacitated by tears, as my family bid farewell to my little brother. This is his first week at boot camp. If at some point, you’re out there reading this Andrew, know that I am incredibly proud of you and that I miss you oodles and globs!

No. 2     It has come to my attention that I haven’t addressed the finale of February. Last month I decided to quit eating sweets from the 1st to the 29th. At first, it was challenging. Scratch that, it was challenging all month. But I think it was just that by the end of the month, everyone I talked to had already remembered what I was trying to do, so I received less requests. A few days in, my mom decided to join me, and together we came to the same conclusion. Although we weren’t eating any sweets, we were dealing with that craving in counterproductive ways. Mostly, we over did it with savory snacks. I don’t know about you, but chips and popcorn, and seconds at dinner beckoned to me like no other.

When March 1st rolled around, the two of us were determined to keep up the habit of eating less desserts. And, in the case that dabbling in desserts was too tempting, then we would only eat them if they were really really worth it. It so happens, that March 1st is my Aunt’s birthday. And what better way to break bread, than with a slice of cake. Let me show you how worth it, that cake was…




Images ft. Delicious Chantilly cake from Whole Foods.

I don’t have to worry about that anymore! But how kind of March to put my and my mom’s favorite days back to back!


No. 3 Finally, as we are several days into the new month, I should unveil my new self-appointed challenge. Without further ado…

For the Month of March, I vow to try new things!

What that entails, is going to new places to eat, and in the case that I “have to” go somewhere I’ve been before, then I will try to try something new on the menu!

For somebody who is a creature of habit, like myself, this is a more daunting task than February’s challenge! Although, it should be relatively easy because … DRUMROLL….

fat drum roll - ptich perfect -1

I’m going to Ireland! (And London!)

Here’s a short list of things I would like to try on my travels abroad:

  • A Full Irish Breakfast
  • Fish & Chips
  • A Pint of Guinness
  • Butterbeer!

I’ll do my best to keep you updated on the adventure! If you’re feeling up to it, join me on my monthly challenges, and let me know how you are doing in the comments or via email at!

Bon voyage!