An Apple a Day

Hello lovelies!

Today we have passed the two-week mark on my self-appointed February Food Challenge and are commencing the two week countdown. (Which has been highly anticipated since Day 1.) This experience has been harrowing, and inspiring mostly harrowing. The office where I work, looks a lot like this….


Except, I’m a larger mouse with a bigger appetite. And instead of cheese, it’s cheesecake. Mmmm… cheesecake. Not to mention, my blessed coworker is the candy-man. He leaves a distractingly large bag of chocolates on his desk for everyone to share. I’m not sure if you are familiar, but those gleaming colorful wrappers taunt you. Those savvy slogans are especially vicious.

Admittedly, this has been a better experience than I let on. The deliberate absence of sweets, has made me realize how easily chocolates come in and out of my line of vision. And more often than not, they are just in arm’s reach. And holy canole! Mmmm… canoles. I would have eaten every single thing that was in sight.

It was actually eye-opening, because I realized I am a lot like this girl!


Actually, I lied. I’m this kid.


On the bright side, if there is one, is that during this torture challenge, I have been spending more time with people that I adore. Just this weekend, my love and I took my baby cousins to the zoo and to Tingley Beach. By the end of the experience, we were a little disenchanted with gorillas and a bit hungry, but their smiling faces and wet kisses were well worth it. Sure, the four of them (lover included) dined on animal crackers, while I munched on apple slices. But I think that maybe being together, kinda made my apple a little sweeter.

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